Postcards are an inexpensive and effective way to market your business via direct mail. If you’re a small business owner, you already know postcards – the quintessential mini billboards of marketing – are a quick and cost-effective way to reach customers with your message.
Postcards can focus on specific zip codes, carrier routes, residences or business-to-business, sent to households of certain income brackets, property values, ages, purchasing habits, lifestyles, hobbies and even demographics. If your customers are on the grid, you can find them and let them know you’re there and have what they’re looking for. The more targeted you make your mailing, expect to pay more for the more specialized services.
Postcards always have been a personal way of delivering a message to friends and family, which may account for why they are so readable for customers. Whatever the reason, people tend to treat postcards as a personal message from the sender – even a business if the card is prepared in a personal manner. The postcard can be that first meeting, the handshake that says, “You can trust me with your business.”
Want postcards for your business?!
Give us a call today!
(810) 373-9293 •